Drawn on 21st June 2011
I 've never drawn something like this, with scene and space.
being influenced by the recent Pixar 25 years exhibition showing all those sketches behide the movie scene,
I decided to draw something with scene,
like a familiar scene we have seen,
which touches our heart.
Here, a couple daning in an old house,
like dancing before the dawn comes,
before the end of the word.
Holding each other tight and close.
So romantic,
so beautiful....
I always had that scene in my mind,
those beautiful moments which never fades away.....
I would like to show all of you what 's on my mind bits by bits.....
There are something I would not give up believing,
they are true love, true beauty,
miracle and last but not least, Myself.
I think dancing as a very intimate move,
it is like two individuals connecting,
"I am you
you are me
we are one
Take me in your arms,
and flow through me,
I'll flow through you."
Feel the scene on my mind now?